Our guide to the best enchants in Minecraft offers all the best options for enchanting your armor, crossbow, sword, pickaxe, bow, ax, shovel, wings, fishing rod and even your trident! If you want to get the most out of your Minecraft charms, then we have all the information you need.
You will need a lot of Experience Orbs and levels to really enchant your technique to its full potential! As a little advice about this, you can shake up some appliances and objects that you may have been lying around in Grindstone. This is a useful way to quickly gain some early levels if you’re just trying to finish a part. This is a good method if you have some kind of auto farm (eg Zombie / Skeleton) or you have some kind of AFK Fishing system or you have collected a lot of extra art books, parts for armor or gear.

All Armor
These enchantments should be placed upon all of your armor!
- Protection IV – This is a must for every piece of armor you have, because it gives you four additional points of armor for each piece you have enchanted. So, if you have it on all four pieces (helmet, chest, legs, and boots), you will gain an additional 16 armor. You can only have one protection enchantment per piece of armor and this is the best one overall.
- Mending – If you want your armor to last pretty much forever, then having the Mending enchantment is very important. If your armor has some of its durability removed, the Mending enchant will restore its durability by consuming Experience Orbs you collect.
- Unbreaking III – Unbreaking gives anything you have enchanted with a chance for it not to have its durability lost when used. You’ll want this so your items aren’t constantly consuming your Experience Orbs via the Mending enchant. This is just an additional way to keep your items from degrading, and will hopefully allow you to avoid ever losing your armor. Just try to avoid dying in lava pools!
Helmet Only
- Respiration III – This enchantment will help you hold your breath underwater for an extended period of time. It’s very useful if you are harvesting coral or exploring oceans.
- Aqua Affinity – Your ability to mine underwater is pretty slow, this enchantment removes the penalty that is inflicted upon you when you go into the depths.
Boots Only
- Depth Strider III – If you have any plans at all of entering the world of the underwater, then you are going to want this enchantment. This makes it so you have increased speed when you are moving around underwater, so if you plan on exploring coral reefs or doing anything to do with oceans or lakes, you will want this one for sure!
- Frost Walker II – It should be noted, however, that if you have no plans on going underwater then you might want to get Frost Walker II. This creates frosted ice block when you walk over water, which will make traveling around a bit easier. The decision between these two largely depends on what you are doing most often in the game.
- Feather Falling IV – Fall damage can be pretty harsh in Minecraft, so Feather Falling will help temper down the damage you take if you find yourself accidentally launching yourself from high area frequently.

- Sharpness V – Gives you a pretty significant boost to melee damage!
- Smite – Not a bad option either if you mostly find yourself fighting against undead monsters.
- Sweeping Edge III – Increases the damage of your sweep attacks, all damage buffs are good when we’re talking about a sword.
- Looting III – This will increase the amount of items that can drop from monsters.
- Unbreaking III – Reduces the likelihood of your item having its durability reduced when used.
- Mending – Repairs your item if it has had its durability reduced when you collect Experience Orbs.
- Power V – Increases your arrow damage, always good on a weapon!
- Unbreaking III – Reduces the likelihood of your item having its durability reduced when used.
- Punch II – This increases the amount of knockback that is done when you hit something with an arrow. If you’re using a bow, you usually want your enemy to be further away from you, and this enchantment makes that more likely.
- Flame – You will now be shooting flaming arrows! Pretty good for dealing additional damage overtime onto monsters and other players.
- Infinity or Mending – This largely depends on if you have a method for gathering a lot of arrows. If you have a monster grinder or have access to a lot of feather, then you can pretty much skip Infinity for Mending. If not, then you might want to go with Infinity to reduce the hassle of having to obtain arrows. However, you might end up breaking your Bow if you don’t have Mending, so weigh those benefits against whether or not you can easily craft another high end bow!
- Quick Charge III – Increases the speed of your load time on the Crossbow. This is very useful if you needing to fire shot after shot into monsters.
- Multishot – You can have this or Piercing on your Crossbow. It largely depends on if you are fighting enemies in packs or if they are in caves and lined up one after the other. Most of the time your enemies are spread out, so Multishot is the better pick.
- Unbreaking III – Reduces the likelihood of your item having its durability reduced when used.
- Mending – Repairs your item if it has had its durability reduced when you collect Experience Orbs.
- Efficiency V – This will increase the speed of which you harvest material depending on the item it has been placed on.
- Unbreaking III – Reduces the likelihood of your item having its durability reduced when used.
- Mending – Repairs your item if it has had its durability reduced when you collect Experience Orbs.
- Axe Only: Sharpness V – The axe is actually a pretty good weapon, it does more damage than a sword. Sharpness will help increase that damage if you use it for that purpose.
Silk Touch or Fortune
You can only have one of these on your harvesting tools, but they are both very useful for a specific thing. Silk Touch is useful if you want to move whole block around and move them around. Stuff like leaves, ice blocks, Glowstone, and much more. So, if you are more into design and wanting to customize your area, you are going to want at least one of your tools with Silk Touch.
Fortune is the better all-around enchant, because you are likely more often going to be out collecting resources and this gives you an increased chance to multiply the drops you get from valuable resources like Ancient Debris, Diamond, Emerald, Nether Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, and a whole lot of other stuff.
These are largely more important on a pickaxe, but Silk Touch & Fortune both have their uses on the axe and shovel.
- Unbreaking III – Reduces the likelihood of your item having its durability reduced when used.
- Mending – Repairs your item if it has had its durability reduced when you collect Experience Orbs.

- Lure III – The Lure enchantment decreases the wait time for catching fish. This is obviously a great advantage if you’re doing a lot of fishing.
- Luck of the Sea III – This one lowers the chance of catching junk items, and increases the chance of catching treasure!
- Unbreaking III – Reduces the likelihood of your item having its durability reduced when used.
- Mending – Repairs your item if it has had its durability reduced when you collect Experience Orbs.
- Impaling V – This is only useful if you are fighting aquatic mobs a lot. If not, then you might as well not bother with it because it doesn’t increase damage against land monsters.
- Loyalty III – This is probably the best overall enchantment for the Trident! When you throw your Trident, this enchantment will automatically bring it back to you. The higher the level you have on it, the faster it will return to you.
- Channeling – This has some niche uses but it is also very cool. What Channeling does, is that when you hit a mob with your Trident during a thunderstorm, it will strike down a lightning bolt onto the monster. This is useful for creating Charged Creepers, which can help you farm mob heads… If you’re into that sort of thing.
- Unbreaking III – Reduces the likelihood of your item having its durability reduced when used.
- Mending – Repairs your item if it has had its durability reduced when you collect Experience Orbs.